Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Being a mom-to-be is kinda scary. I have dreamed of the day that I would become a mom and all the joys that come along with it but it is hard now that someone is actually growing inside you and you are bringing life into the world. You worry about the littlest things. Is everything going ok in there? Am I eating the right foods? Am I doing things to harm the baby growing inside?
So many questions and worries. I was looking up some baby stuff online today and some how came across this quote:

"The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot protect you." 

I read that and it just made me think. God will not give me any challenges that I can not overcome. It warms my heart and makes me feel at ease. I know these worries are normal for a first time mom but the reassurance from God just makes it that much comforting. I just thought I would like to share!
Have a good Wednesday!!

Here is my 15 week photo! Little bump but it's getting there!