My little brother, Shane, came up for a visit to see Chris and I recently. It was great to see him and to have him see everything up here. He came in on the 4th of July in the afternoon and we drove up to the house and waited for Chris to get home from work. Right when we got home Shane put his stuff down, played with our cat, and sat on the couch to fall asleep. I just laughed because we hadn't even been home an hour and he was out! He slept for a few hours and we let him because we figured he was just tired from traveling buttttttt later we found out that he had stayed up the night before till like 2am and had to get up at 6am. GEEZE! We woke him up to eat BBQ with us and watch fireworks and chat then back to sleep he went.
The next morning we woke him up to go the gym and Shane and Chris played racketball while I worked out. We then grabbed some lunch and headed out to go fish! We went to a pond that the camp owns and picniced then fished! Shane was the only one who caught a fish. We had plenty of nibbles though! We were glad that it was Shane catching the fish because he was getting really inpatient with not catching anything. We were 30 minutes in and he said, "I'm ready to go, I havent caught anything!" We were barely there! Sillly boy :)
We relaxed, played the wii, did some shopping, and watch movies. It was a good time! Sad to see him go but glad to see his trail of stuff around the house go. Oh little brothers....
What a fun treat to spend that time together :)