Monday, April 30, 2012

One more to the list....

 Yes we are adding ourselves to the pregnant world! It has been hard to keep it a secret especially when there are so many other pregnant people too. It is all so exciting!!!! Chris and I are super happy and excited to welcome this sweet baby into the world.
I turned 14 weeks today and due Oct.29. So we might have a little Halloween baby :) I have been feeling pretty decent just really tired but that is starting to go away. Can't wait for the next months to go by and feel this little babe move all around in my belly!!!! YAY for babies!!

(8 week appointment-saw the heart beat!)


  1. Yay!!!!! Oh soooo excited for you!!!!!!

    Mack was almost a Halloween baby, Oct 21st.

    so now hopefully you will post more often :)

  2. i almost just screamed!...then remembered Ammon is taking a nap right next to me. TAYLOR I am so EXCITED!!!! our babies are going to be so close in age! I am smiling so big just thinking about you being a Mommy! So happy for you!!!

  3. YAy!!! Taylor soo so excited for! It is so much fun :) !

  4. yay!!! that is sooo excited! Babies are the best!!
